Sissiboo's story. Motivated by his quest for the perfect cup of coffee and a passion for restoring historic buildings, Jonathan stumbled upon the old I.O.O.F. hall in Bear River—a hidden gem ripe for innovative entrepreneurship. Situated on a main street, bordered by the tranquil Harris Brook, this historic building became the perfect setting for Jonathan and his family's new venture: creating the finest fair trade organic coffee while fostering the visual arts.
I'm inspired by local roasters that capture the essence of the area. My personal tastes enjoys medium roasts so I tried Tobeatic Wild, a Medium Roast from Honduras. Their desription:
This ‘in tents’ roast leaves behind the everyday grinds and offers a smooth and mellow soulful retreat that will take you deep into the sublime of the Acadian forest.
Tasting Notes
Coffee Style
Mild, bright body
Low acid
For more info:
